Sakana Simulator 20224

Scout out talents, pack merch for fans, and even play league!

WASD + mouse for movement. Arrows mean arrow keys, and click to throw.

Made for Unofficial PhaseJam #4: April Fools!

Inspired in part by HELLDIVERS 2.

This is my first time using Godot so expect many bugs and inefficiencies. The idea was also rushed, so expect more bugs and wonkiness.

Tutorial in case you skipped it:

1. Check the recruitment tab to see who's available.

2. Purchase items from the shop that might convince the available talents to join.

3. Don't forget to buy crowbars! The recruitment center has many locked doors!

4. While visiting the recruitment center, activate your items with the arrow keys and deploy them with a mouse click.

5. Visit the warehouse and fulfill merch orders. (Each hired talent will make this more difficult)

6. Manage the talent's schedules in the talents tab. (Not implemented, but you can still skip days)

7. Tax collector comes every 5 days. (Also not implemented, so the game never ends)

8. See how many days you can last!


  • Konami code on the menus unlocks all talents (mayhem mode in the warehouse)
  • MOTHERLODE on the menus for more money


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